Capacity-building programs are targeted at communities and groups that stand to benefit directly from these skills.

Ssemuto Briquettes training

Waste to wealth

Through turning would-be waste into briquettes.

paver making training

Paver making

Through utilizing silt from drainage channels.

Cat Fish harvesting

Fish farming

Through utilising available ponds and wetlands.


Smart Agriculture

Practicing morden methods of farming and space utilization.

How we train

Our training sessions are divided into theory and practical sessions. Teaching methods used vary depending on the kind of group ranging from printed teaching materials, photographic projections, multimedia etc.

Theory lessons prepare learners for the practical lessons the following day. Learners are divided into groups for easier coordination and learning. The number of groups made depends on the number of learners.

We teach using mobile manual machines during practical sessions.

Having acquired this knowledge, they have begun small-scale projects, such as manufacturing briquettes, and we buy the briquettes or char for those unable to afford the machines. This has created a snowball of employment opportunities in their communities.